

What makes Howard County one of the best places in America to do business, live and work? County and state corporate taxes help to fund the cost of local public services that are truly exceptional.

The County’s current real property tax rate is $1.014 per $100 of assessed value.

More detailed information regarding taxes is below:

Fiscal Year 2023

Howard County


Real Property Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed value) $1.014 $0.112
Business Personal Property Tax Rate (per $100 of assessed value) $2.535 $0.00
R&D machinery, equipment, materials and supplies Partially Exempt $0.00
Manufacturers machinery, tools and equipment Exempt $0.00
Manufacturers inventory Exempt $0.00
Warehousing inventories Exempt $0.00




Corporate Income Tax 8.25%
Personal Income Tax (of taxable income) $90 plus 4.75% of $3,000.00 to $147,000.00
5.00% of next $25,000
5.25% of next $50,000
5.50% of next $75,000
Sales and Use Taxes 6.00%* None

6.00% on tangible personal property sold at retail or used in Maryland. Does not apply to a manufacturer’s purchase of raw materials, nor manufacturing machinery and equipment

Fire Taxes


Real Property $0.236 per $100 of real property assessment

Residential Trash Fee



Trash, Recycling and Yard Service $325
Trash and Recycling $310

Water and Sewer Ad Valorem

$0.08 per $100. Water and Sewer Front Foot Based on Property Size

Source: howardcountymd.gov

Columbia Association Fees

If you locate your business within the boundaries of Howard County that are part of the Columbia Association, there is an association fee that applies. The current rate has been set to a maximum of 75 cents per $100 of valuation assessed on 50 percent of the fair market value, as determined by the State of Maryland for real estate tax purposes. The Columbia Association applies the same methodology used by Howard County and the State with respect to their caps on property taxes, and they don’t apply those caps in calculating taxes due on a property in the year following the purchase.  In FY2011, the annual charge rate was 68 cents.

To see more information about taxes in Maryland go to: choosemaryland.org